NOTE: You will be directed to Collage Video, our
official DVD vendor, to make your purchase.

This top selling technique DVD exhibits the following levels: modified basic, basic, intermediate, advanced, and super advanced workouts. All workouts demonstrate the purely classical forms of Joseph Pilates' method, and are performed in real time with flowing movement, technical clarity, and rhythm. As each exercise is presented, the name and number of repetitions are shown on screen. (approximate time: 1 1/4 hours)

This DVD is a very exciting combination of Joseph Pilates' classical Mat workouts at every level with his Magic Circle apparatus. Joseph Pilates invented the Magic Circle back in the 1920s to help people feel their muscles more deeply, and to engage the Powerhouse more completely. On this DVD, too, is the rarely seen super advanced Reformer Mat Workout. This fantastic workout demonstrates the complete super advanced Universal Reformer series of exercises on the Mat. (approximate time: 1 1/2 hours)

This DVD contains a full Pre-Pilates section, as well as three complete Pure Classical Pilates modified mat levels to help facilitate safety and stability of the neck and back while you enjoy your refreshing workouts. Another goal of this program is to help you safely increase strength, stamina, coordination and flexibility for the entire body.

This exciting high quality 3 hour 2-DVD technique video demonstrates all new workouts at every level (introductory basic, basic, intermediate, advanced, super advanced, archival) and includes a wide range of rarely seen or practiced exercises from Joseph Pilates' original archives. (approximate time: 3 hours)

This DVD demonstrates a wonderful curriculum of safe and effective Pure Classical Pilates exercises for children ages 5-12, and workouts for young adults ages 13-17, which help improve: Personal Body Image, Mental Concentration, Injury Prevention, Strength & Flexibility, Weight Management, Self-Esteem & Confidence, Coordination & Balance.

This 4 hour 2-DVD set exhibits the most diverse and extensive single-source compilation of exercises ever filmed on the following studio equipment designed by Joseph Pilates: Cadillac, High Chair, Wunda Chair, Low Barrel, Spine Corrector Barrel, High Barrel, Pedi-Pole, Magic Circle, Foot Corrector, Sand Bag, The Wall, Toe Corrector, Magic Square, and Push Up Handles. All exercises demonstrate the purely classical forms of Joseph Pilates' method, and are performed in real time with flowing movement, technical clarity, and rhythm. As each exercise is presented, the name and number of repetitions are shown on screen. (approximate time: 4 hours)
The Pilates method of body conditioning is designed to give you
suppleness, natural grace, and skill that will be unmistakably reflected
in the way you walk, play and the way you work.
- Joseph Pilates
Quotes from just a few viewers:
I am a certified Pilates instructor and studio owner. I am a HUGE fan of your videos and have bought each and every one. I find them to be the most technically sound, with models exhibiting good form. They are a great tool to me as an instructor, and also to my clients who are apprenticing in various Pilates certification programs. Thanks for your fine contribution to the world of Pilates! - C.M., Certified Instructor
What a monumental accomplishment you and everyone achieved in making the 3rd Edition Complete Universal Reformer Series, as well as The Complete Magic Circle Mat Series DVDs. Your dedication to the method is clearly demonstrated. I can see the artistry and the beauty of the movements embodied in you, Jamie and Junghee. These two ladies are so beautiful to watch. Jim is a great addition also. You move like a dancer and embody a ferocious precision and energy that reminds me of Joseph Pilates in his original archival footage. It's you at your best. The shots of you doing the side splits provide a strong and powerful image; it's gorgeous like a starburst. Beth is amazing and the filming of these DVD's is outstanding. I love the engaging still photos at the beginning. And there are parts of the Epilogue section that are quite amusing. Congratulations on a superb job! - M.K.M., Appreciative Customer
I am very happy that you've undertaken to do these Pilates technique projects. From a historical perspective of documenting and preserving Joseph Pilates' work, in addition to their function as a learning tool. I hope you've had a good response. I think they are invaluable. - J.B., Certified Instructor
I have watched the new DVDs many times, and I think you have done it again. They are a brilliant work of professionalism and art. Some of the archival exercises I do remember from the time I was studying with Romana. I like particularly liked your version of the Magic Circle workouts. The Magic Circle is a lot of fun and it gives a good feeling of the powerhouse. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us in the Pilates world. We are much richer with these DVDs, and I'm grateful this art form will not vanish, but will be preserved for future generations. - L.S.J., Certified Instructor
Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.
- Joseph Pilates
If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60 you are young.
- Joseph Pilates
A body free from nervous tension and fatigue is the ideal shelter
provided by nature for housing a well balanced mind, fully capable
of successfully meeting all the complex problems of modern living.
- Joseph Pilates
NOTE: You will be directed to FitnessFly.com, our
official DVD vendor, to make your purchase.
"Not only have your DVDs been extremely helpful as I learn the Pilates method, but I watch them with a great sense of joy... it is a pleasure to watch such focus on movement and flow.
"There is so much concentration on 'this muscle, that muscle' in my environment, that while it's undeniably important, I find it disheartening that the joy of 'just moving' gets lost in the shuffle.
"I thank you for the time you took to create and release your DVD's. They keep me inspired to look beyond someone saying 'find your internal obliques and glute medes.'"
- An appreciative customer